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Sheets from PEEK are offered usually extruded and cut in standard lenths. Various sheet thicknesses possible. Our Dexnyl PEEK sheets are made of our own CoPEEK or compounds based on CoPEEK or other conventional brands.


Sheets of thicknesses between 10mm and 50mm of PEEK nature but also as reinforced PEEK.


Download technical Datasheet as PDF

Œ1 Low
•10 High
x Not applicable
(√) Limited
k.Br. No break
n.d. Not feasible
- Not determined
n.v. Unavailable

*All the tests have been conducted with a standard conditioning atmosphere of 23°C (at the moment no other temperature is available). All the test specimens were made through extrusion process. The specified values are established from average values of several tests and they correspond to our today’s knowledge. They are only to be used as information about our products and as help for the material selection. With these values, BIEGLO does not ensure specific properties, or the suitability for certain application, therefore BIEGLO does not assume any legal responsibility for an improper usage.
Since the plastics´ properties depend on the manufacturing process (extrusion, injection moulding), on the dimensions of the semi-finished material and on the degree of crystallinity, the actual properties of a specific product may slightly deviate from the tested ones.
For information about divergent properties do not hesitate to contact us. On request we advise you regarding the most appropriate component design and the definition of material specifications more suitable to your application data. Notwithstanding, the customer bears all the responsibility for the thorough examination of suitability, efficiency, efficacy and safety of the chosen products in pharmaceutical applications, medical devices or other end uses.


Additional information


10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm, 20 mm, 25 mm, 30 mm, 40 mm, 50 mm


625 mm, 610 mm


1000 mm, 2000 mm, 3000 mm